There are many ways for parents to help the SEPAC accomplish its goals. Please consider some of the following:
- acting as an officer of the SEPAC
- help the SEPAC determine goals for each school year
- help write and conduct parent surveys
- help identify gaps in programming needs and help communicate them to the Special Education Administration and School
Committee; then help to come up with creative solutions to close the gaps (don't just state the problem, help brainstorm
and provide some possible solutions too)
- help schedule meeting dates and arrange for a meeting location
- help with publicity in local newspapers
- help to create and maintain a resource library in your town
- help write SEPAC newsletter articles
- help identify grants to offer additional SEPAC speakers, workshops, etc.
- offer to act as a mentor to a parent with a child whose diagnosis is similar to your child's diagnosis
- offer to help create and maintain an informational bulletin board for your school regarding special education
issues and SEPAC meeting dates
- offer to help locate speakers for workshops
and many, many more. Some things may require regular attendenace at SEPAC meetings, but some don't, so please consider
helping in any way you can. THANKS!!